3 Mind-Boggling Stats About The Personal Training Industry—And How Fast It’s Growing

The personal training industry is on fire.

Some stats that will blow your mind:

1. The global personal training market is expected to reach $20 billion by 2027.
2. Online personal training services have grown by 80% in the last five years.
3. Over 70% of clients say they would pay more for a trainer who goes above and beyond.

But it’s not until you break each of these down that you realise how quickly the personal training industry is really growing:

The global personal training market is expected to reach $20 billion by 2027
This is an impressive stat at face value. But what’s 10x more impressive is that the market has been growing steadily at a rate of 5% each year.

That’s 5 times faster than the growth rate of the overall fitness industry.

This is a signal of where things might be headed.


Online personal training services have grown by 80% in the last five years.

The last time an industry saw growth like this, it was in the early 2000s when online shopping exploded and completely transformed retail.

(Fun fact: Online shopping is now a $4 trillion industry.)

And I’m betting the same thing will happen again here with personal training.

Over 70% of clients say they would pay more for a trainer who goes above and beyond.
As if the above wasn’t impressive enough, this stat is just mind-boggling.

To give you a sense of how big that is, that’s like saying 7 out of every 10 people would choose a premium experience over a cheaper option.

Or that most clients value quality over cost.

Or that overdelivering could be your key to unlocking higher income.

Just to put things in perspective.


Final Prediction

My guess is that the personal training industry is going to eventually overtake the general fitness market the same way streaming services overtook cable TV.

And at this rate, that will probably happen by 2030.

What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree?

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