The Truth About Protein.

The Truth About Protein.

In this article, I'm going to explain to you how to properly manage your protein intake for muscle growth.

Getting the right amount of protein is vital if you want to build muscle and strength.

It helps your body to recover and develop new lean tissue.

Follow these steps, and you'll find the perfect ratio for your goals without wasting money or inhibiting progress.

Unfortunately, so many people don't know how to properly manage their protein intake.

The primary reason is falling for myths and hype. 


  • Reason #1: Believing more is always better without considering individual needs.
  • Reason #2: Not understanding protein's role in muscle protein synthesis.
  • Reason #3: Copying bodybuilders' extreme diets without context.
  • Reason #4: Overlooking how excess protein gets wasted.


Don’t worry - I'm will explain exactly how you can overcome these issues!


Step 1: Determine your daily protein needs based on lean mass.

This individualised approach stops overconsumption.

As a general guideline, aim for 1.5-3g of protein per KG of lean body mass to fully support muscle growth.


Step 2: Distribute protein doses throughout the day in moderate amounts.

Where many go wrong is eating one or two massive protein-heavy meals.

Space it out into four or five moderate servings keeps amino acid levels elevated continuously.

Step 3: Let results be your guide for small adjustments if needed.

Stick to these steps to reach your muscle-building potential without waste or negative interference.

Trust the process - your strength and size gains will be the reward!

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