Step-By-Step Guide To A Nutritional File.

Step-By-Step Guide To A Nutritional File.

Have you ever wondered what keeps clients coming back? The answer is simple: results!

Many trainers focus on training programs and rep schemes. While these are important, the biggest factor in losing fat is nutrition.

Knowing the targets your clients need to hit and the easiest way to hit them will get them results and grow your business.

This is where a great client file comes in. It shows exactly what's needed each day to get the results you’re aiming for.

Sadly, most trainers don’t bother making one. This is your chance to stand out.


Take The Time To Impress Your Customers.

Many trainers won’t do anything they’re not directly paid for. But if you want to charge a high price, you have to be willing to do the extra work, like:

  • Creating guides.
  • Analysing menus.
  • Sending workout reminders.
  • Checking daily steps.

The good news is it doesn’t take as long as you think. It’s a "make it once, use it forever" system.

Here’s how I create the initial client file:


Step 1: Nutritional Targets 

To change body composition, you need a calorie deficit and enough protein. Knowing these numbers is crucial.

After analysing a client’s 7-day food log, I set three targets:

  1. Calories.
  2. Calories from unprocessed food.
  3. Protein.

Studies show that with the same calorie drop, weight loss is the same, no matter the diet.

The key difference is the percentage of calories from processed foods—the lower this percentage, the more fat is lost.



Step 2: Total Weekly Activity Targets 

Many trainers overlook activity levels outside the gym. I used to as well until I realised how much difference it makes.

We all know someone who eats poorly, refuses to work out, but stays lean. They often:

  • Have an active job.
  • Play a sport 3 times a week.

The more active you are, the more flexible you can be with your nutrition.


Step 3: Food Log Analysis.  

Why am I better than a generic diet plan anyone can download? I make it specific.

All new clients take an initial 7-day food log. From this, I find their daily averages and compare these against their weight change from day 1 to day 7.



Step 4: Nutritional Services.  

Great trainers remove friction from clients' lives by doing the work clients don’t want to do. This is even more important as you move up the market.

Over the years, I’ve:

  • Edited menus.
  • Organised personal chefs.
  • Ordered weekly food shops.
  • Had pre-made meals sent to clients’ homes.

Thanks to modern technology, services like these are much cheaper now. The average person can afford prepped meals, so guide them to the best options.


Step 5: Tracking Your Activity / Nutrition.   

Knowing your inputs is only useful if you know your outputs. Health wearables are now low cost and very effective. Tracking your nutrition is just as easy.



Now you know how to create a great client file. This will ensure you:

  1. Get results.
  2. Overdeliver.

Mastering these two points is all you need to grow a successful business.

To download the exact file I use click here.

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