Overdeliver Before You've Ever Trained Them

Overdeliver Before You've Ever Trained Them 

When running any service-based business, consistently overdelivering on what's promised is vital for growth.

As your client base grows, automations will allow you to avoid burning out, reduce your workload, and exceed expectations.


Think of the process of growing your business as follows:


Step 1: Learn how to over-deliver.

Step 2: Automate as much of the over-delivery as possible.

Step 3: Grow your client base until you're fully booked.

Step 4: Raise your prices.

Step 5: Learn to overdeliver at the new price point.

Step 6: Repeat.


Below is the exact process I take clients through in their first week of training.

You'll notice 11 pieces of contact within the first 7 days.


7 days before the first session:

1. Online questionnaire is sent via email or Notion. 

2. Price list sent via iMessage.

3. Food logging software sent via email.

4. Initial body composition metrics are taken.

5. Cancellation policy is sent via iMessage.


2 days before the first session:

6. Client is asked to share Apple Health data.


1 hour before the first session:

7. Client file sent via Apple shared note or Notion.

(Past this point, any changes I make to that file will automatically be edited on the client's phone.)


24 hours post first session:

8. Check-in sent via iMessage.

(For some clients, this will be the first time experiencing DOMS, so reassurance that it's normal will go a long way.)

9. Interactive program gets sent via Excel / Google Sheets / Numbers / PDF.


30 minutes before the weekend meal out:

10. Restaurant menu with all the macronutrients edited on and the best choice highlighted gets sent over via iMessage.

11. Alcohol guide sent via Apple shared note.

(Sending this over 30 minutes before their meal will dramatically increase compliance.)


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